Monday, March 22, 2010


Well, Kassie had surgery to have her gall bladder out Fri. All went well. She looks like she is healing nicely but she is going to wait one more day for school. We went over to her sisters real quick, and... the bump we hit really made it hurt again! Poor thing. Wed. for sure!
And Thurs. the Dr. told me I had pneumonia so I was trying to stay away from her while at the same time be there for her. Not fun. He said he could hear guck way down in my chest. Did a breathing treatment, a shot of antibiotics and strong oral, then sent me for chest x-rays. Well today they say it is not pneumonia. Must be bronchitis. in the meantime the anti biotics are dropping my sugar level Grr

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

stained glass window and square # 2

Ok, first, my stained glass window square... tis a little different the books picture. But if I can duplicate what I did here I can live with that cause I still think it is pretty!! And so does my daughter Amber who will be getting the afghan when it is done. Second pic is of my #2 square for the Learn to knit afghan. Isn't that soo cool, I am knitting!